Machine ERP

Smartech offers custom designed modules for machinery manufacturers including an online spares sales module and a vendor portal.

Machines are offered in numerous models with each model having multiple options. In addition the machinery manufacturer has to offer custom changes on each machine delivered. Change management is a huge challenge as modifications have to be entertained even after order finalization during the course of machine assembly. Each machine order needs its own Bill of materials. Our MachineERP has a customized Engineering and Design Module to handle drawings, brands and other nuances of the business.

Frequent change requests also throws up challenges for material planning and procurement. Machinery manufacturers struggle to increase inventory turns and avoid building up redundant inventory. MachineERP's Planning and Purchase Module helps users release PO based on procurement lead time, processing lead time and assembly lead time thus helping procure JUST in TIME. This helps in reducing inventory build up and cancellation of orders due to design changes.

These and other custom designed solutions for machinery manufacturers make MachineERP the right choice for plastic processing and other machinery manufacturers.


plastasia plastfocus elasia hitco airo hyden emmbi dhwani jain valia kolsite ipf oppi pbi plastemart plastemart